My baby is cutting three, count them...one, two, three teeth! She won't keep her mouth open long enough to let us take a really long look let alone take a picture so you are going to have to take my word for it. The front middle right incisors starting coming in like 10 days ago followed by its neighbor the left incisor. Then much to our surprise Joe discovered yesterday that she is getting a top left incisor that is not the front tooth, but the one just to the side of it. She is a tooth making machine. And she's not crying, fussy, crazy or anything. She's so cool!

it's the beginning of Drool Nation! I heard there's rumors of Ultimate Frisbee this weekend...lol.
The way we managed to get first teeth pics was to hold her upside down - she opened up wide and giggled her head off so we got teeth pictures! Solei is getting some more teeth this week and has spent the last few days screaming everything that moves. The only antidote? Hours of Yo Gabba Gabba. You lucky schmucks.
I know I already replied to your comment on my blog but merciful heavens, enlighten me - what the heck are Reva shoes? And do they have duct tape on them, because they probably should!
Watch out for the biting . . . oh my goodness.
she is trying to make sure jones cannot possibly catch up. its gonna end up like 1 vs 10 teeth in a few weeks. jerks!
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