My little lady turned three two weeks ago! I can hardly believe it. Check out the festivities.
The first picture of Mommy and Sierra as a 3 yr old!
Cupcakes with the neighbor girls, mommy, daddy and Papa
Sierra looking for and collecting all her hidden presents
And the best gift award goes to...Papa! Hungry, Hungry Hippo was by far the favorite of the night. Way played it for an hour! Two-fisting it with Natalie was the best part of her day!
Her party was just 2 short days after her real birthday. It is more for Mandy to plan something
fun and outrageous. Sierra would be happy with just about anything but bigger is better...right? When Mandy would ask Sierra what she wanted for her party, all she would say is Pizza and ice cream. They decided on a butterfly theme for the event and they were all ready to go on the big day
, they just had to wait for Sierra's friends to arrive. Poor thing waited, and waited and wait. Sawyer and Hunter were the first to arrive and then craziness ensued. We got a moon bounce/slide combo (Mandy's idea) and it was super sweet. The kids LOVED it.
These kids couldn't get enough.
We had 11 kids, all of Sierra's favorite friends. When we asked here a few days later what her favorite part of the party was she said, "Andrew!". He's 6 and she thinks he is so cool.
She's only three and already after older men.
Happy Birthday Baby!